
Adam Lafosse, a Dental Technician with over 30 years' experience, specialises in the highest level of cosmetic crown and bridge work, producing aesthetically outstanding restorations which can be fitted with complete confidence and little or no adjustment. By using the best possible materials and craftsmanship he is able to exceed even the most discerning patient’s expectations. Adam carries out every stage of the work himself ensuring there is a constant focus on quality and unwavering

high standards. 


Promoting the use of minimally invasive full ceramic restorations, Adam is able to assist in giving patients back their youthful natural appearance by enchancing their smiles with beautifully sculptured teeth. Never has there been a more exciting time in dentistry to give patients the opportunity to have the very best natural looking smile - gone are the days of dull crowns with discoloured margins.

Highly skilled Dental Technician

  • Over 30 years' experience.                     
  • Specialising in true-to-life bio-compatible metal-free restorations.                               
  • Fit, aesthetics and functionality are of paramount importance.

Highly skilled Dental Technician

  • All work is carried out by Adam ensuring continuous focus and unwavering high standards resulting in outstanding quality and aesthetics.


  • Works closely with all clients to provide artistically created ceramic restorations that consistently exceed patient expectations.           


  • One-to-one communication is paramount in building a good working relationship, Adam personally delivers and collects work enabling him to regularly discuss cases face to face.

Highly skilled Dental Technician

  • Full understanding of the best products and systems on the market with the experience to obtain outstanding results.   


  • Regularly attends courses to seek out and evaluate less evasive and more bio-compatible methods of restoration.   


  • Works closely with one of the best milling centres in the UK that has continually re-developed materials to produce a highly aesthetic coping.
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